Maintaining Your LPG Appliances - Safe LP Gas Disitributors Network South Africa


  • Keep LPG appliances and fittings in first-class condition via regular servicing, checking regularly for deterioration in performance, signs of corrosion and minor leaks.
  • As with all gas appliances, it is recommended that the heater is serviced on a regular basis by a qualified gas technician, in line with the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  • Always replace worn-out or defective tubing and regulators. Half of all cooking gas-related accidents occur due to leakages from the rubber tube.
  • Make sure all parts of your LPG system are in good condition. If you find anything wrong with any part, contact your franchise immediately and ask for assistance.
  • Never tamper with your LPG cylinder or cylinder fittings.
  • Disconnect LPG regulator and affix safety cap when your gas stove is not in use for a prolonged period.
  • Have furnaces, vents, flues, chimneys and gas lines in your home or business inspected every year or two by qualified industry professionals.
  • With any LPG appliance or burner that fails to ignite immediately, turn off the gas supply and ventilate for at least three minutes to allow any gas to disperse before attempting to reignite

What are some of the Warning Signs that your appliances may not be working properly?

  • The flame on your gas cooker should be crisp and blue. Lazy yellow or orange flames mean you need to get your cooker checked.
  • You may see soot or black marks or staining around or on gas appliances.
  • Your pilot lights may go out frequently
  • You may see increased condensation inside your windows


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