How to Identify a Non-Compliant LP Gas Distributor - Safe LP Gas Disitributors Network South Africa

1. You always receive different colour cylinders.

Non Compliant LP Gas Distributor

2. The valve will be sealed with an unbranded plastic seal of different colours.

Non Compliant LP Gas Distributor Seals

3. They are much cheaper than legitimately filled cylinders, often because the cylinder underfilled and you get less gas than what you paid for.

4. They provide little or documentation that is untraceable to avoid complications and accountability in terms of the cylinders that they supply to you.

5. The delivery truck will be loaded with all brands of cylinders.

LP Gas Suppliers South Africa

1 Comment

Johan Myburgh · January 27, 2023 at 1:42 pm

There are so many of them in Gauteng. I see their trucks almost daily while they are doing deliveries to consumers.

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