Commercially Branded Cylinders - Safe LP Gas Disitributors Network South Africa

The majority of cylinders in use in South Africa is what we call Branded Company Owned cylinders. These cylinders belong to Companies who bought them at huge costs and are only on loan to the end user.

These cylinders are “Never Sold” and always remains the property of the company who owns them. This is for instance cylinders such as: Easigas, Afrox (Handigas), Oryx (BP), EPG Gas and some others.

These cylinders are clearly branded and marked, and the brand ownership is embossed into the metal of the cylinder, making it very easy to identify.

If a distributor sells you one of these cylinders, it will always be sealed with a branded seal that matches the brand of the cylinder.

Commercially Branded LP Gas Cylinder Seals South Africa


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