Registration - Step 2 - Safe LP Gas Disitributors Network South Africa

Registration – Step 2

Please complete the form below to register. Once we receive your details and verify your documents we will setup your profile and start marketing on our socials.

    1. Business Category

    We offer the following four business categories. Please read through the explanations then select your category and membership plan below.

    NOTE : Registration is free for one year (2025). Register now and decide if you want to renew after.

    Wholesalers / Bulk Supplier / Cylinder Owner
    R2,500.00 p/m (12 Months Free)
    Any registered company licensed as a supplier of bulk LPG, who owns their own branded LPG gas cylinders approved by the authorities and have one or more filling plants for filling and distributing LPG.

    Filling Plant / Bulk Tank Installed
    R950.00 p/m (12 Months Free)
    Any registered company who have a filling plant with a fully installed bulk tank, commissioned by the local Fire Department but who do not own their own branded cylinders but have a written contract with a cylinder owner (Category 1) allowing them to fill their cylinders.

    Retailer / Wholesaler / Hardware / Outdoor & Camping / Service Station / General Dealer
    R350.00 p/m (12 Months Free)
    Retailers, Wholesalers, Hardware Stores, Outdoor & Camping Stores, General Dealer, Service Stations of any brand reselling LPG or any other company reselling LPG Distributors ( No filling from a bulk tank installation).

    End Users
    R100.00 p/m (12 Months Free)
    Restaurants, Take-Aways, Hotels, Guest Houses, Lodges, Resorts or any organisation using LPG to provide a service to the consumer where illegally filled and potentially dangerous cylinders could pose a risk to the consumer.

    Please select a category / membership plan


    2. Business Information


    3. Business Address


    4. Director Details


    5. Documents Supply

    Please Note : Max 2MB File Size - pdf, jpg, png, gif, doc, docx


    6. Account Details


    7. Terms Acceptance


    The applicant confirm, that the information and documentation supplied in support of this application, is correct, to the best of my knowledge.

    The applicant further warrants that if the information supplied in this application changes at any time during the period of Membership with The Safe LP Gas Distributors Network, the applicant will immediately notify the Network of such change.


    Protection Of Personal Information Act

    The Safe LP Gas Distributors Network of South Africa confirms that the information and documents supplied in this application may be deemed personal information in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act 2013 (POPI ACT) and we will accordingly take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information is processed / used / stored in accordance with the POPI Act and for the following reasons only:

    • To evaluate the compliance level of the applicant in terms of all provisions and regulations as required by law,

    • To verify the information and all documentation disclosed herein against any available source.

    Please read and accept the code of conduct by clicking below. Once you read through it you can complete the registration process.




    I have read and agree to all the terms in the code of conduct.
    Signed by :

    Confirms that I have the legal right to act on behalf of the company